This page offers you in accordance with the general information duty according to § 6 TDG the information of Lau Engineering Solutions GmbH, which has supported this website and which offered the project "PVP-Software" .
Also please heed the legal hints to our internet appearance.
Legal form: | Private limited company |
Companies foundation: | 2004 |
Companies object: |
Object of this company are engineer services:
Headquarters: | Gummersbach, Germany |
Registers of companies: | HRB 54604 |
Chamber affiliation: | n.v. |
Tax office: | Finanzamt Gummersbach |
Sales tax-number: | 212/5721/1275 |
Trade-taxes number: | n.v. |
Banking details: | IBAN: DE55 3846 2135 7413 8180 14 BIC (SWIFT-Code): GENODED1WIL Volksbank Oberberg eG, 51647 Wiehl, Germany |
Mailing address: | Lau Engineering Solutions GmbH Hardenbergstraße 5 51647 Gummersbach Germany |
Shipment address: | Lau Engineering Solutions GmbH Alter Markt 17-19 51766 Engelskirchen Germany |
Contact: | Engelskirchen office Tel: +49 (0)2263 9529699 Fax: +49 (0)2263 9529697 E-mail: Internet: |
The Lau Engineering Solutions GmbH is happy about your interest in their company and their products. In order to be able to grant your information wishes inclusively, you are perhaps asked about the statement of personal information. These statements are completely voluntary. Its personal datas are stored in agreement with the data-protection-legal regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Copyright 2004 LES. All rights are reservated. All contents, texts, pictures, charts, animations, and the formation of the LES-Websiten ary subject to the protection of the copyright and other laws to the protection of mental property. The spread of the content of these sides, including the so called framings is when necessary allowed. In addition, this content isn´t allowed to copy for commercial purposes, spreads, changes or third accessible without written consent of LES.
The information which LES offers in this website have been composed with utmost diligence and are uptated reguarly. Despite most careful controls LES does not guarantee for the flawless and precious of the offered information on this website. Therefore LES excludes each liability or guarantee for the information which are made available on this Website regarding the precision, wholeness and topicality. This is also applied especially to Websites, on which is referred by means of Hyperlink. It is foreign Websites, on whose content we have no influence. Therefore LES excludes a liability expressly for the content of such sides. LES also is not responsible for the data protection of the operators of such Websites. LES keeps itself the right before, to plan without announcement, alterations or supplements of the prepared information or data at anytime. As far as our internet side contains directional statements into the future, these statements are based on convictions and assessments of LES and have been subject to risks and insecurities with it. LES is not indebted, such to update directional statements into the future. A liability for such statements is excluded expressly.
As far as not all products, names and company names and logos, have been named on the LES internet page they are trademarks or written down trademarks of respective owners/manufacturers. From the absence of the marking, one cannot infer that the name is a free merchandise name.
LES wants to wants to present itself with an innovative and informative website.We hope that we fill your expectations. However we point out as a precaution that the mental property contained in it is legally protected including patents, brands and copyrights. By this Website, no license is granted to the utilization of the mental property of LES. The duplication, spread, rendering and passing on and other utilization is allowed without the written consent of LES.