
The internet appearance from the engeneering office Dr.-Ing. Gert Lau.

The company specialised on the stress analyses for the apparatus and plant buildig and works actively in the FDBR working circle stress analyse and rule work.

Lau Engineering Solutions GmbH is a main provider and sponsor of the PVP-Design and PVP-Software projects.

Subject of this comapny are engeneering services:

  • Transaction of construction works and technical calculations in an tiding job, especially the building of machines and apparatus and development and expelled and for this neceessary algorithms, hard- and software, investigation performance, advice and training performance.
  • In the frames of a network solution with a partner solution the customers additionally get offered performances which are necessary for an analyse for damage cases and for the improvement of future product generations for example experimental examinations, certificates, etc..
  • Next to the the society offers scientific-technically oriented task designation advices and trainings into the applications, organisation, Literature investigation and database design and takes over the preparation and the distribution of corresponding Hard - and softwares.

Here you can find an electronical technical book for the apparatuses and plant building.

Many lacks of clarity to materials, building mistakes, later reasons according to the conception phase etc. are here explained logically and for every individual cases.

PVP Thermal 2D - Lecture

PVP Thermal 2D - Ein Tool zur schnellen Abschätzung zweidimensionaler Tem­pe­ra­tur­ver­teil­ung­en unter zeitlich veränderlichen thermischen Lasten.

Lecture to PROBAD-Meeting, November 2007

©  Lau Engineering Solutions GmbH